Don’t Suck The Joy Out Of Candy Season!
Does your dieting mindset suck the joy out of candy season, AKA Halloween, for you and everyone around you?
Learn how to shift your thoughts and language and give yourself and your children autonomy and joy.
I have a client I have been working with for several years, and in one of our early conversations, she announced this time of year that "Candy Season" is here, which lasts from Halloween through Easter. She shared this back when I was a weight loss coach, and my instant reaction was to support her in all the ways she "could/should" restrict and deprive. Unfortunately, years of experience tell me that is a plan for failure and keeps someone stuck in diet culture and bingeing.
I am grateful she has come with me to the practice of Intuitive Eating and can now keep candy in the house without losing her mind.
Halloween is almost here, and as parents, caregivers, or adults with a diet history, we can suck the joy out of the trick-or-treat experience for our children and ourselves.
The truth is, one day filled with candy will not harm anyone long term (unless there are medical conditions and a lack of teeth brushing). How we talk about the candy experience harms our children and ourselves, impacting our relationships with food and body.
How "should" we talk about candy?
Food has no moral value. We can start by removing the "good food vs. bad "food labeling. The more we label these foods, the more power we give them. When children and "us" then eat the chocolate/sweets, we create negative self-talk filled with guilt and shame. How much better would something be without the words "guilty pleasure?"
To shift away from a negative experience, we can say all foods do something for our bodies. Candy can give us quick energy, and let's choose what we want to eat. If talking to a child, you may share that from your experience, when you eat to over full of almost anything, your belly becomes upset, and you don't feel well. The restriction is directly tied to bingeing.
Give your children autonomy. Be willing to say, "You are in charge of yourself, so it's up to you to decide how much feels good in your body." It's important to let them know that sometimes this takes practice, and at times, we all eat too overfull, especially if we haven't had something in a while.
It may be a good time to reflect on your relationship with candy and sweets. It's important to silence the "I told you so's" and shift from judgment to curiosity if a belly ache is involved. Offering kindness and compassion will support a positive learning experience, even with an upset tummy.
Can we permit our children to be in charge?
Surprisingly, the answer is yes. If we treat candy, chocolate, and sweets as neutral, removing the significant build-up, they will generally lose interest within a few days.
This experience is the same with adults; when we learn to permit ourselves to eat all food, it shifts our relationship with that food, and the desire to eat too overfull and binge begins to dissipate. When we know the food (candy) will be there tomorrow, our thoughts shift to; I don't need to eat it all now; I can have it later. This thought is super powerful for all of us!
When we take control of food and the "food police" take over, our children, as well as ourselves, we find ways to cheat, sneak and hide our treasures, causing harm to the relationship between food and body. I know what I ate in the pantry, is not what I would have wanted anyone else to see.
If you are willing, reflect on your thoughts about yourself and your relationship with food, candy, and sweets.
This diagram may help to understand the relationship between restriction/deprivation and guilt/shame.
Let's break the diet cycle, give and retain autonomy to our children and ourselves and learn to listen to connect our mind, body, heart, and food. That is the key is food freedom and never restricting and dieting again.
Are you ready to learn more about how health and wellness coaching can make a difference for you?
I have several one-on-one coaching spaces open and it is perfect timing to get ready for the holidays!